We hope that you have nerves of steel and can keep your cool even in the most heated of battles! For the next two weeks, the battlefields may become a very hostile environment indeed, so you better be good at thinking on your feet in stressful situations – your survival may depend on it. You’ve guessed it. The time many of you feared has finally come. This edition of Top of the Tree will focus on the top German open-turret tank destroyers!
Follow the research line leading to the Waffenträger auf E 100 and enjoy great discounts and credit income bonuses:
30% discount on purchase and 30% more credits earned with the following German vehicles:
Use this opportunity to earn extra credits while driving these destructive machines or get them for 70% of their normal value!
These bonuses will be available from 15th April at 07:10 until 1st May at 07:00 CEST (GMT +2).
Waffenträger auf E 100
“Look at all those pitiful little tanks; so innocent, so cheerful, so unaware of the unspeakable horrors that await them.”
In-Game Performance
If armoured vehicles were sentient beings who believed in the afterlife, their version of the Grim Reaper would undoubtedly look like the Waffenträger auf E 100. This tank destroyer is likely to be the most feared and hated vehicle in tier X battles and its reputation is as infamous as its dreadful armament. It is indeed the weaponry at the vehicle’s disposal that makes it so intimidating: the WT auf E 100 is equipped with a powerful autoloading system which is capable of dishing out horrendous amounts of damage in short periods of time. It can essentially bring down any vehicle from full hit points to zero with just one drum load – needless to say, getting into the firing range of this German giant is like signing up for your own execution.
It is also worth mentioning that the WT auf E 100 is one of the few tier X vehicles to have additional research options in terms of guns. However, unlike most of them, the Waffenträger is already extremely dangerous with the stock gun and many owners of this vehicle decide to keep it instead of progressing to the second one. Here’s a comparative overview of both the guns:
12,8 cm K44/2 L/61
Average damage (AP/APCR/HE) |
Penetration (AP/APCR/HE) |
Drum capacity |
Time of shell reload |
Time of drum reload |
Dispersion at 100 m |
Aiming time |
560/560/750 |
276/352/65mm |
6 shells |
2 seconds |
60 seconds |
0.29 |
1.5 seconds |
15 cm Pak L/38
Average damage (AP/HEAT/HE) |
Penetration (AP/HEAT/HE) |
Drum capacity |
Time of shell reload |
Time of drum reload |
Dispersion at 100 m |
Aiming time |
750/750/950 |
235/334/85mm |
4 shells |
3 seconds |
50 seconds |
0.34 |
1.9 seconds |
Green field: advantage
Red field: disadvantage
Yellow field: relative neutrality
It is hard to say which gun is better because they both have their upsides. Moreover, different players may prefer different characteristics. If you value rate of fire and accuracy above anything else, the 12,8cm gun is definitely what you want to use. Those of you who prefer high alpha damage and the panic it induces may enjoy using the 15cm gun instead. From a purely pragmatic standpoint however, the 12,8cm Kanone tends to be the more reliable of the two as it is extremely accurate while the 6-round drum gives you more room for error. Test both guns and pick the one you find more effective.
Another great characteristic of this vehicle is its astonishing view range of 420 metres – that’s the same value as on the M48A1 Patton! Although this does not make the Waffenträger a great scout, it may help you to avoid ambushes and give you the advantage of spotting the advancing enemy vehicles before being spotted yourself.
Despite these wonderful traits, the WT auf E 100 has a lot of drawbacks, which make playing this vehicle more difficult than you may think. First and foremost, it is huge. The Waffenträger is one of the biggest (if not THE biggest) tank destroyers in the game, a fact that is reflected negatively in its camouflage values. Secondly, despite being based on a strong E 100 chassis, the vehicle’s turret is uncomfortably large and covered by 20mm thick plating – that’s not enough to protect you even from tier 1 tanks! Last but not least, due to the lack of side-skirts and having an open turret with pathetic armour, this vehicle is extremely vulnerable to High Explosive Shells – in many cases it takes just one well-placed artillery shot to make you say “goodbye, cruel world” and hop on the one-way train back to the garage. Moreover, even if you’re hit with just the splash, or shot with HE shells by other tanks, you can expect multiple crew members to be knocked out. Therefore each exposure to the enemy is at the tremendous risk of being eliminated or severely damaged.
The Waffenträger auf E 100 can be described as a textbook example of the so-called “glass cannon” – it can deliver a punch but is very fragile at the same time. As a result, it needs to be handled with a careful, tactical approach.
The first rule of the WT auf E 100 is “stay hidden.” This means that your gameplay should be relatively static and sniping oriented. Bushes and large obstacles are your best friends – use them as cover at all times. Furthermore, don’t rush to the frontline. Ever. Your place is in the second, or even in the third line. If you’re spotted, rest assured that every single enemy vehicle in the area will mark you as the primary target. Of course, camping in your base is not the solution either, as your contribution in the battle will be marginal and all that destructive potential will go to waste. It may be difficult for you at first to determine the optimal distance from the front but once you get more experienced in the matter, your input in the battle will be tremendous, if not decisive.
While targeting the enemy, always try to pick the one with the least hit points – having an autoloading system gives you the unique opportunity to deliver a huge amount of damage in a matter of seconds, so use that advantage to swiftly reduce the number of guns on the enemy team. If neither of the vehicles that you are aiming at stands out in terms of damage received, go for the most exposed one. The first shot should be aimed at destroying their suspension – this way you’ll make sure that the enemy doesn’t go anywhere and you have a nice little sitting duck to empty your drum at.
After firing your last shell, always retreat to safety. Regardless of the gun of your choice, replacing the drum takes ages while leaving you completely defenceless against any assailant. Also, make sure to signal your team that you’re reloading so that they know for how long they won’t be able to rely on your support.
Last but not least, when you’re spotted, retreat to safety immediately. Regardless of what you may be doing. As soon as that Sixth Sense bulb gets lit or shells start flying in your direction, you ABSOLUTELY need to move back behind cover. It just can’t be stressed enough: when spotted, you are always the primary target for the enemy. Remember that you are the most dangerous threat to the other team, yet one of the most vulnerable vehicles in your team’s setup. The combination of these two variables will always put you as a top priority on the enemy’s “things to destroy” list. As a burning wreck you are not useful to anyone, so staying alive is something you have to take very seriously.
Tank Tip: While driving this tank destroyer, consider using Premium consumables, especially the Large First Aid Kit. If you stay hidden, you won’t be using consumables that often and won’t have to cough up those 20,000 credits per item after every battle. It is important to mention that Premium consumables provide additional passive bonuses when equipped: a Large Repair Kit gives you a 10% bonus to repair speed, a Large First Aid Kit a 15% bonus to the crew protection from injuries and Automatic Fire Extinguishers provide additional 10% protection against fire. Our recommended setup is Small Repair Kit + Large Repair Kit + Large First Aid Kit. Choosing Chocolate wouldn’t be a bad choice either, as it would give you a 10% bonus to the crew skills. However, if you go for that consumable, please bear in mind that you will have to restock it after each battle.
In order to maximise your performance on the battlefield, we suggest installing the following equipment:
1st Slot | ![]() |
2nd Slot | ![]() |
3rd Slot | ![]() |
Unfortunately, (or perhaps fortunately depending on which side of the barrel you’re on) this vehicle has a very limited assortment of available equipment. The specific design characteristics of the WT auf E 100 make it impossible to mount some of the most efficient pieces of equipment: the open turret disqualifies the Improved Ventilation, and the autoloading system is incompatible with the Large Caliber Tank Gun Rammer. As a result, you may get the impression that neither of the devices left at your disposal will do the vehicle much good. Our suggested configuration is the most effective/useful from the available possibilities, in our opinion.
Even though a direct hit from artillery will quite often result in the immediate destruction of the vehicle, installing the Spall Liner may not be such a bad idea. You are in an open vehicle and very vulnerable to HE shells but this extra protection may save you from departing the battle if you are just hit by splash damage. Unlike other German vehicles based on the E 100 chassis, the Waffenträger does not have side skirts which could protect the vehicle from nearby explosions, so it seems wise to get as much protection as possible. Moreover, please mind that this piece of equipment provides an additional 50% protection bonus to the crew – this quality may come in really handy as the vehicle’s turret is basically without armour.
The Binocular Telescope is definitely a must, because it will maximise your spotting range. Seeing your opponents before they can see you will let you react faster and surprise them, or simply retreat to a safer place.
Due to the vehicle’s size, the Camouflage Net may not be that effective but staying hidden is basically the only means for survival you have. Therefore, boosting your camouflage will always be handy, even if it’s only by a little bit.
In addition, your crew members should learn the following skills and perks:
Commander | ![]() |
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Gunner | ![]() |
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Driver | ![]() |
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Radio Operator | ![]() |
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1st Loader | ![]() |
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2nd Loader | ![]() |
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Sixth Sense is absolutely mandatory for the commander as it will provide you a warning shortly after you’re spotted by the enemy. For other crew members, we recommend picking Camouflage as the first skill – again, the Waffenträger’s survival depends on stealth, so you need to make sure that you are as difficult to spot as possible. Even though the vehicle’s default camouflage values aren’t that good, additional bonus from the skill and Camo Net may be just enough to keep you hidden in some sticky situations.
Brothers in Arms is a good choice as the second pick. Unfortunately, you won’t have the luxury of combining the effect with Improved Ventilation. However, the little bonus you get will help in reducing the drum reload time and may even ensure your survival in some cases.
The gunner should definitely learn the Armorer skill. Please remember that your turret has virtually no armour and it is very easy to have your gun damaged as a result. Having this perk will help you remain combat effective in cases you can’t use a Repair Kit.
The skills/perks assigned as the third option for other crew members are meant to generally boost your survivability, view range and mobility. However, replacing them with Repairs may also work. Still, it is worth mentioning at this point that usually if you get spotted and/or detracked, the enemy will do everything in their power to ensure that the repairs are carried out in the garage instead of the battlefield. As a result, this skill is perhaps not worth prioritising.
As always, please consider the setup for both the equipment and crew skills as suggestions. Feel free to experiment on your own and choose what you think works best for you.
Roll out, Commanders!