Commemorate the events of June 6th 1944 when thousands of Allied troops began to land upon the beaches of Normandy to bring an end to the Nazi regime. We have a great special for you this weekend, with triple experience for the first victory, as well as discounts and credit boosts on loads of vehicles!
x3 Experience for the first victory
We know you love it. Progress further this weekend!
Medal Hunt: Invader
On D-Day, thousands of troops advanced to push the Nazis out of France. Take inspiration from them and push the enemy team out of their own base on World of Tanks! If you earn the Invader medal, by capturing at least 80 points of the enemy base, you will be awarded with an additional 20,000 credits! This bonus will be automatically credited to your account when you earn the medal.
50% discount and 80% credits income on the following vehicles:
Type |
Tier |
Nation |
Name |
IV |
IV |
V |
V |
V |
II |
V |
V |
IV |
V |
30% discount and 30% credits income on the following vehicles:
Type |
Tier |
Nation |
Name |
VI |
VI |
VI |
VI |
50% discount (in gold) on the following Premium vehicles:
Type |
Tier |
Nation |
Name |
IV |
Enjoy a range of discounts and credit boosts on a number of vehicles which took part in the D-Day landings, and remember this historical event. Of course, it should be noted that a large number of Churchill tanks took part in the assault. However, you can enjoy bonuses on those all month long as the Churchill I and Churchill VII are our tanks of the month.
50% Discount on Consumables!
A massive operation like this will need lots of provisions! Whether you are spending gold or credits, stock up on all the essentials for half the usual price.
Up to 50% Discount on Camouflage
Paint your tank and make it harder to spot! Whether spending gold or credits, you can enjoy a big discount on camouflage patterns this weekend!
If you want to participate in the D-Day weekend, just enter your garage between Saturday 8th June 07:10 CEST (GMT+2) and Tuesday 11th June 07:00 CEST (GMT +2).
The Normandy Landings were codenamed Operation Neptune, and were a component of Operation Overlord – the invasion of German-occupied Europe. The term D-Day refers to the moment the landings commenced, on Tuesday 6th June 1944 at 06:30 in the morning.
The offensive was a massive collaboration between all the Allied countries, including the Resistance groups in France itself. It began with a complex but highly successful programme of misdirection and espionage against the Germans to make them believe that the assault was going to take place further north along the coast at Calais. Indeed, Hitler was so convinced that the attack would be in Calais that he actively refused to reinforce the Normandy coast.
D-Day proved to be the largest amphibious invasion in world history with over 160,000 soldiers, mainly from Britain, the US and Canada landing at five sectors along the coast. 5,000 ships, manned by nearly 200,000 Allied personnel transported the troops, their vehicles and equipment across the English Channel. Around 12,000 Allied troops were killed that day, falling to the German defences as they advanced in plain sight up the beach.
Overall, the landing phase of Operation Overlord lasted nearly a month, until 30th June 1944. However, the vast majority of conflict took place on that single first day. Operation Overlord proved to be a huge success and was the beginning of the end of World War II that would lead to an Allied victory in 1945.
Enjoy the weekend special, commanders, and remember the heroes of D-Day whose courage brought about the world we know.