Frontline is finally back. The most epic of our game mode allows you to respawn and battle on a gigantic map, where a team of 30 attackers clashes with one of 30 defenders. Only Tier VIII vehicles are allowed, so use your chance to get some of the babies below:
- The Somua SM, known for its amazing clip potential and decent armour for French standards
- The LT-432, a light tank with a tough skin, made to harass its enemies with good DPM and great mobility
- The Caernarvon AX, a wall of steel designed for hull-down tactics, thanks to its amazing DPM and strong turret
- The Kanonenjagdpanzer 105, a fast and stealthy tank destroyer equipped with high-precision weaponry
Somua SM Offers
LT-432 Offers
Caernarvon AX Offers
Kanonenjagdpanzer 105 Offers