The Eight Nations event is now over, and the winner is Germany! Congratulations to the winning team and a big thank you to all participants. The prizes will be credited to your accounts this week, stay tuned!
Forget rugby, this is the great sporting event of the month. We promised you a European-scale and competitive event, and here it is! Today we're proud to announce the Eight-Nation Event. It's simple: choose one of the following nations, and fight for it from October 21 at 07:00 CEST through November 1 at 06:00 CET (UTC+1). Remember though: every tanker counts! In this competition ruled by the most victories in a row, all participants will be rewarded—rookies and veterans alike!
The Nations:
How to Play
Once you've pledged your allegiance to a nation, you will be able to earn some points for it. How so? It's pretty straight forward: you have to win as many random battles in a row as you can. Here are the conditions:
- You can earn a maximum of 8 points per day.
Example: if you win 10 battles in a row, we will only grant 8 points to your nation. - If your win streak gets interrupted, you can try again—we will register your longest streak of the day.
Example: if you win 3 battles in a row, lose 1 battle and then win 5 battles in a row, we will grant 5 points to your nation. - You can fight for your nation with vehicles from every Tech Tree.
Example: you can sign up for Germany but win your battles with French tanks.
The Rewards
Whether you're a grizzled commander or a tanker full of promise, you have a role to play and rewards to win, through your personal score and the league you will join.
- The Rookie League gathers all players with less than 1,000 battles at the beginning of the event. In this league, all Random Battles will be taken into consideration
- The Veteran League assembles all players with more than 1,000 battles. In this league, all Random Battles fought aboard Tier V to X vehicles will be taken into consideration
Invite Code
Let's make sure every nation is represented! Bring your reinforcements to the fight and invite new players to the Rookie League thanks to the "ROOKIELEAGUEWOT" invite code, which contains:
The Churchill III—a tough and fast-firing Tier V Soviet heavy tank.
7 days of World of Tanks Premium Account, to maximise your earnings.
5 Personal Reserves: +50% XP for 2 hours—perfect for unlocking new modules.
In short, this is the perfect starter pack for your friends willing to participate in the 8 Nations clash.
- Personal Rewards
- Rookie League
- Veteran League
We believe all commanders deserve a small incentive to proudly fight for their nation. As such, every player who scores at least 10 points for their nation will receive one set comprising the following goodies:
1 day of World of Tanks Premium Account
10 missions: x5 XP for every victory
1 Garage Slot
- 25
The winner of the league will be determined by the score gathered by the top 1000 players of each nation. You can check your position on the leaderboard, which will be updated every 15 minutes. The nation with the highest score will receive the following gifts:
1—100 |
150 |
101—500 |
100 |
501—1000 |
50 |
The winning nation will receive its final prizes shortly after the event ends.
The winner of the league will be determined by the score gathered by the top 1000 players of each nation. You can check your position on the leaderboard, which will be updated every 15 minutes. The nation with the highest score will receive the following gifts:
1—100 |
1,000 |
101—500 |
500 |
501—1000 |
150 |
The winning nation will receive its final prizes shortly after the event ends.
May the best nation win! Roll Out!