When you think of your typical German heavy tank, there are certain qualities that you come to expect – a lot of armour and, therefore, no speed to speak of. Well, every rule has its exceptions and the E 75 TS is one of those outliers. This German Tier VIII heavy tank boasts 1280 hp and gets up to spectacular 45 km/h, leaving its heavy peers in the dust. Now, you might think that it had to trade some armour for this speed, and you are not wrong. However, while the sides might have been neglected, the turret is as strong as ever. And it has got to be because it carries an equally strong 105mm gun that treats you to 360 alpha damage, decent gun depression and a magnificent penetration.
If you are looking for a heavy tank that will support the team during assault and defence, you might be looking at your new favourite.
E 75 TS Offers