Straight outta Germany, the first sale of the "unskinned" version of the Mauerbrecher arrives. You asked for it, and we listened: it's now possible to add the VK 168.01 (P) without the Mauerbrecher skin on its armour, or even exchange it if you already had it parked in your Garage. A wise decision, knowing that this super-heavy German tank is highly resilient and quite punishing, courtesy of its decent penetration and alpha damage values.
VK 168.01 (P) Offers
Mauerbrecher Offers
Swap Rules
ExpandThese rules are exclusively valid for this specific offer. Follow this link here and submit a ticket to our Customer Support. Any ticket created there will lead to a swap, as long as you have the Mauerbrecher and you were not playing with it at the time your request was processed.
- The swap will NOT be done immediately but in batches, so please wait patiently for the confirmation e-mail you will receive when it's done
- Your Mauerbrecher statistics will stay in your Service Record
- All mounted equipment and consumables will be moved to the Depot
- The Crew will be moved to the Barracks (temporary bunks, if there are no free ones)
- The swap is only possible one way (Mauerbrecher to VK 168.01 (P)). There's no reverse swap