We recently began a partnership with J!NX to offer you the long-awaited World of Tanks t-shirts in the highest quality. To celebrate this union and our new World of Tanks gear that is available on the J!NX website,we held a contest. First we had showed you our own sexy catwalk moves and called on you to participate in our Catwalk Contest- Man Up and Get Some to show off your own catwalk skills!
Thank you for the great work shown by all participants of this contest, and congratulations to all of the winners!
Check out the tables below to see what you have won, and enjoy these great videos!
KV-5 Winners | Type 62 Winners | Type 59 Winners | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(click on the nicknames to see their video)
Everyone who participated in this contest won Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f), German Light Tank
RoadRunner_de, DJ_Octavia, catalynRd, sarthe, Artylera, gonzagi87, robo_metalc, DemonicSoul, facho, Tha_Sky, lg_nikola, Sava_Savanovic, Firewildfox, Jonahex, JPKERR, Kasius67, TheJoshy01, _DODGE_PL, wolfskurn, Cpt_Lithuenne_LV, Roxyna, Fatima , Bata_Zivojinovic, VonLuis, Algoookas, Rammsteinfilip, aGentleTanker, Shuki_Levy_SVK, KatyG, kombatants, erickLV, shumiss, MrZWodecki, SerMiszcz, kamilmuch, cimajes, CptLukenstein,CptOneidn, ontenego , MadNomad , Itf009, Dav3d, Couven, Wombut, PM89, RiddikConrado, BruteUrsus, voytech, 19fecko92, sitko28, PatrikF, tankista_Lukas, tom591a, Ullysses, NXK, Crasherk1l , MrHiraga, etotnost, Suicider97, Rawling1, Colonel_Braddock, DJENERAL_, Keporkak, Gillman, GuitarHero8, cat10, leo_0810, PM89, RiddikConrado, BruteUrsus, Anty_master, tomi80, omersadai, karnaflavan, Holygun,tsoof100, coyotevinz, coyoteflam, coyoteflash, stren, Jangos, Catwoman1964, dzab, Reaa, GeneralFLEISH, krajec_cz, premeq , Sadistikal, WhoKilledBambi, 11mentos11, MUR, cameeleon,Lemo911,Olgerlicious, mur, folopos, davishs, salmanasar, voytech, barnof tommym, ourhero, natim_PL, arcillo, hnilda, szczerman, arshenicowy, Kietis, nazgulija, mjrMatuszek, El_Ryszawy,iceguerilla, aerobat, zagor, vucibatina1, meky13, muudonja, tuljan, cro_darthvader, Adriyan, Perseus220, punisher00 , ferfex, malakutcz, kurcepalow, GENARAL77, cichaj, sideus, pancerVV, JFKO, Oleg96, kondonxd, vali4123, dwalec, Erucaitair, Erulission, krystekw2, danin_tu, karturu, krusaders1, Dzedajs, szczupak1979, ChiCkEn911, MonaLisa24, DomBIG, Orbbcz, Dominik_P, staga, CommanderCuttlefish, TarquinOleBiscuitBarrel, a_bullet, mikesus, kitaqe, siuz, DragounCZE, Sekyn_CZE, Shade_CZ, tront21, Sibiri & AE_Super, Commander_Breathy, tokokard, 4lleanderennamenwarenweg, sharktopuscleer_srb, John_Angel, Darks13, enix91pk, Symbiont71, ktistai228, Ondrs16, Mars355, Borec04, danin_tu, karturu, zloun, Gorkijj and Ribidy, hawxer, kixxu, tankwalk, [TnT]Darth_Spiderpig, Toshinka, pyrofly, ice2502, shusli, skobero,raoulduke, buenonacho94, Commander_Breathy, lukascube, mikel65, jarmensuperfly, Pazitka007, Strejdanek234 , kylowaty1 and Zulusss, havran05, lazsko3, CroXo & Bruce55 & Kikivk13, xXxUnLuckyxXx, topgun107, LPS1984, Tutatutla,DRUGCRNJAK, Honza06 , furier79, ronny_stein , TankRob, Spencers, Surrez, RedBurn82, Lordmech2, dancomando, petal219, I_Like_Programing, BarneysvCZ, walys93, Sagara_Dragonslayer, ShadowGhost319, Masara, Pakistanec, LiQuido, fehasbdghk, Wotkar, Demnogonis, machrDoma, szkopik, NelsonBrader, machrDoma, mamys, murzynos, robi3327, _luky_, vojta_007, czvoj, cristme, coyotevinz, coyoteflash, coyoteflam, kuta123, tabihun, kicsizee, szkopik, NelsonBrader, vali4312, etotnost, demnogonis, Pivoman, TargonCZ, Schpionka, Arawin, Ondrs16, Mars355, Borec04, piratepata, Thor_UK, charliechoes, Lesnik87, Kooba84, Szafix, szeki81, WKolas, chucknorrs, aveto, trafka666, weiki, WP_20130330_105217Z, blackburn82, redburn82, Ronineter, DexterCZE, JanJHK, Philster95, INY0URF4CE, monster98, vonluis, pancerVV, 11mentos11, Voresak_Cze, Jangos, Catwoman1964 |
Our Favourite Three Videos
Commanders, we had great fun watching all your video submissions. We would like to thank all participants and we highly recommend that you watch all videos from this contest.
We hope you enjoy your new steel beast on the battlefield, and stay tuned for the future contests!