Elo rating in Stronghold is one of the key indicators of any clan’s success.
Clans earn Elo rating points after each battle in Skirmishes and Advances. Elo is calculated separately for each division. To get onto the rating by Elo in the division, clans must have fought at least 50 battles in the last 28 days.
To view your clan’s Stronghold Elo rating, go to the CLAN tab and click Stronghold on the Clan Dashboard. The flags with your clan’s Elo rating in each division are displayed under the Clan Battles button.
If your clan has fought enough battles to get onto the division rating list, the corresponding flag glows yellow. Click the flag to view the rating by Elo in the selected division.
- Latest rating update. The ratings are updated every five minutes
- Division navigation. Click to switch to the rating table in the necessary division
- Rating table. In addition to Elo ratings, it displays the clans’ battle statistics: number of battles and victory rate in the last 28 days and total. Your clan’s position is highlighted in yellow
- Table navigation. To view the leaders with the best Elo rating, click
. To go to your clan’s position on the list, click
If your clan has not fought 50 battles in the last 28 days, its Elo rating, statistics, and number of battles fought are displayed at the bottom of the screen.
How is Elo rating calculated?
Before the first battle, a clan's Elo rating is 1,000. Elo rating can be a whole number and cannot be less than 0.
Elo rating is calculated in three steps:
- Calculation of expected battle results
- Calculation of rating points every clan receives after a battle
- Update of the clans' Elo ratings
Step 1. Expected battle result
The expected battle result is counted using the following formula:
EA—expected battle result for clan A.
RA—pre-battle Elo rating of clan A.
EB—expected battle result for clan B.
RB—pre-battle Elo rating of clan B.
Example: Clan A has an Elo rating of 1,200 before the battle, while clan B has 400. The expected battle result for clan A (EA):
The expected battle result for clan B (EB):
According to these calculations, clan A - with the higher Elo rating - is most likely to win the battle.
Step 2. Rating points received after the battle
The actual rating points each clan receives after the battle is calculated using the following formula:
P—number of rating points clans get after the battle.
S—number of points received for the battle: victory–1, draw–0.5, defeat–0.
E—expected battle result calculated in Step 1.
R—clan’s current Elo rating.
K—ratio, based on the current clan’s Elo rating.
Ratio K:
R = (0 – 600); K = 25
R = (601 – 2,400); K = 15
R = (2,401 – 3,000); K = 10
R = (> 3,000); K = 5
Example 1: Clan A with an Elo rating of 1,200 defeats clan B with 400. The expected battle result for clan A was 0.99, while for clan B it was 0.009.
The Elo must be a whole number, so the calculation results for both clans are rounded off to 0.
In such cases, the winning clan with the greater Elo rating receives little to no rating points. Meanwhile, the defeated clan with lower Elo rating loses few points if any. On the contrary, if a clan with a lower Elo rating wins, it receives sufficiently more points, and the opponent with the higher Elo rating loses more (see Example 2).
Example 2: Clan B with an Elo rating of 400 defeats clan A with 1,200. The expected battle result for clan A was 0.99, while for clan B it was 0.009.
The Elo must be a whole number, so the calculation results for both clans are rounded off. As a result, PA= ‒15, аnd PB= 25.
By defeating more powerful clans, your own clan can climb to the top of the ratings. The greater the difference in Elo rating between clans, the more rating points the weaker clan receives for victory.
Step 3. Clan Elo rating Update
Clans’ Elo ratings are updated according to a simple calculation:
R'—clan's Elo rating after the battle.
R—clan's Elo rating before the battle.
P—number of rating points clans got after the battle.
Example: Clan B with an Elo rating of 400 defeats clan A with 1,200. As a result, clan B receives 25 points, and clan A loses 15 points.
The Elo Rating in the Stronghold mode, along with the Global Map Elo Rating and other indicators, is an important part of the Clan Rating. For a detailed description of how the Clan Rating is calculated, go to the Clan portal.