- Main Features of Version 8.11
- New Battle Type: Confrontation
- Maps
- Reworked the Team Damage Control System
- Other Changes
- Vehicle Rebalancing
- List of Vehicle Profitability Changes
Main Features of Version 8.11:
- New Battle Type: Confrontation
- New European winter map: “Windstorm”
- New Maps: “Ruinberg on Fire” and “Winter Himmelsdorf”
- Fixed game elements on the maps “Redshire,” “Highway,” “Northwest” and “Erlenberg”
- Removed the map “Port”
- Added Group Crew operations
- Added new “Battle Hero” achievements
- Added new achievements to Team Battles
New Battle Type: Confrontation
This battle type will be available in Random Battles, along with the "Encounter" and "Assault" battle types. The main characteristic of Confrontation is that it will introduce battles between teams representing specific nations.
Key features:
- The probability of playing “Confrontation” is the same as for "Encounter" or "Assault".
- The game maps available in "Confrontation" are the same as in any standard battle.
- The new battle type will be open for all vehicle tiers.
- Teams in “Confrontation” are built by nations. Battles cannot be fought by two teams built from vehicles of the same nation. For example, a French vehicle team can battle against the British, Americans, Germans or Soviets, but not against another team of French vehicles.
- The Chinese and Japanese nations are excluded from this battle type. The reason is that these nations do not have all vehicle types available.
- The new battle type can be played in platoons, provided that all platoon members are driving vehicles of the same nation (excluding China and Japan).
- This battle type can be manually disabled in the game settings menu, just like the “Assault” and “Encounter” battle types.
- Added new map “Windstorm”, 1000x1000m, city map (European, winter)
- Game elements were fixed on the following maps: Erlenberg, Redshire, Highway, North-West
- Various errors and defects fixed for the maps: "Himmelsdorf", "Windstorm", "Highway", "Northwest", "Fisherman’s Bay", "Hidden Village", "Redshire", "Erlenberg", "Serene Coast ", "Cliff", "Murovanka".
- "Port" map completely removed
- Improved performance on the "Hidden Village" map.
- New map added: “Ruinberg on Fire” – Ruinberg (rainy, with fires and changed lighting)
- New map added: “Winter Himmelsdorf” – winter version of common "Himmelsdorf"
- Bug when entering the building inside the cap area in "Himmelsdorf" Encounter mode fixed
- Game performance improved on "Fisherman’s Bay", "Serene Coast", "Severogorsk" and "Ensk"
- Excessive brightness of some effects was fixed on several maps
- Fixed inconsistency between visual model and damage models for a number of buildings and objects.
- Fixed blinking effects from tank tracks on winter maps.
- Removed 'Sacred Valley' from Random Battle map pool.
Reworked the Team Damage Control System
General provisions:
- Reworked the Damage Control System in relation to allies. In particular, damage to a tank by its platoon-mate is now considered illegal and therefore punishable.
- Punishments in the team damage (the so-called “team hit” - damaging a vehicle on your own team) and team kill control system (destroying a vehicle on your own team) have become more severe, and at the same time more factors are now taken into account: penalty points for particular kinds of violations will be calculated with consideration of accidental team damage.
- The chance of account suspension (“ban”) increases with each consequent damaging of allied vehicles in the same battle.
- SPGs have special penalty point calculations to rule out accidental team damage (hitting an ally with ‘splash’ etc.).
- Ramming allied tanks is also treated as foul play and an illegal action. The tank whose speed at the moment of collision was higher will be considered the offender.
- The accumulated penalty points can be reduced by destroying enemy vehicles in the battles in which the allied team wins.
- The duration of the first suspension has been reduced to one hour.
Improved the system of compensation to the victim of team damage:
- The repair costs of the team damage victim are compensated in all cases.
- Apart from the repair cost, the offender will also pay the affected party 10% of the total repair costs.
- The offender will pay the affected party not only with credits received for the battle, but also with credits available on the offender’s account.
More severe punishments will be applied in the following scenarios:
- If the enemy base capture has been interrupted by an ally (by the means of ramming or shooting).
- If modules on an allied tank have been damaged (by the ramming or shooting).
- If an allied tank has been destroyed.
Less serious punishments (but a penalty rating increase nonetheless) will be applied in the following scenarios:
- If an allied vehicle has been damaged accidentally while the player was aiming at the enemy tank.
- If an allied vehicle has been accidentally damaged with fragments of a high-explosive shell (by the so-called “splash”).
- If, after firing, both the enemy vehicle and an allied vehicle were damaged.
Other Changes
- Size bugs of Type 59, T-54, WZ-120, Nashorn fixed.
- Reworked T-54 tank model.
- Balance weight for SPGs reduced by 10%.
- Fixed the too low point of drowning for M44 SPG.
- For the sake of unified display, changed detailing of damaged suspension models on American tanks: T29, T32, T34, M37, M41, Chaffee, Pershing, T92, Hellcat, M4A2E4, M46 Patton, M103, T57, T110E5, T26E4, T110E4, T110E3, M44, M53/M55, T69 and M60.
- Fixed errors in visual models for following vehicles: Chaffee, KV-1S, Lorraine 40 t and Type 3 Chi-Nu.
- Fixed cannon models for M48A1 Patton and Conqueror tanks.
- Fixed issues in WZ-120 camouflage patterns.
- In order to decrease Tier VIII vehicles waiting time, removed the 12th battle level from match-maker distribution.
- Added new battle type 'Confrontation', where teams are created based on the nation of the tanks (USSR vs. Germany, USA vs. France etc.).
- Added a new group operations with a crew - retraining the whole crew and returning the whole crew on the tank.
- Added an option to turn off the battle chat – this will only hide custom chat text messages while still showing 'Attention to minimap' and other fast commands.
- Added option to see battle chat history.
- Added a new voiceover for British crews.
- Added new compensation and penalty system for damaging and/or killing allies.
- Added a more easy-to-notice 'Fire' icon, now in the same style as the drowning icon.
- Added option to disable the display of the tank that killed the player.
- Fixed some errors in "Missions and Events" section.
- Corrected display sequence for context menu sections, when clicking RMB at tanks "carousel" in hangar.
- Added button to tank research trees to open selected tank in hangar.
- Added option to activate 'Fire Extinguisher' consumable, if present, by clicking on the fire icon in the bottom left side of the screen.
- In post-mortem regime, platooned tanks will be displayed first by clicking 'RMB' and only after the rest of the team.
- Added reloading time to standard reloading message.
- Added new markers and indicators to reticle settings.
- Fixed the disappearance of achieved mastery badges.
- Fixed in-game voice chat function in 'Team Battles'.
- Fixed some issues in 'Team Battles' interface.
- Fixed the strong drop in performance on some graphic settings during close display of some Japanese tanks.
- Change camouflage storage: after purchase a camouflage pattern for gold, it will remain and can be mounted for free again after using another camouflage pattern.
- Added two new 'Battle Hero' achievements: 'Main Caliber' (credited for dealing the biggest amount of damage during the battle) and 'Sniper Tanker’ (credited for dealing the biggest amount of damage from a distance of at least 300m during the battle).
- 'Sniper' achievement moved to 'Special' category. If you have it, it will still be displayed in 'Service Record', but it will no longer be possible to receive a new one.
- Added new unique achievements for the 'Team Battles': 'Genius for War' (Receive the most amount of XP in victorious battle 100 times), 'Armored Fist' (Destroy the enemy team without losing more than one vehicle), 'Tactical Breakthrough' (Win 3 times in a row, while part of a random team), 'King of the Hill' (Be the only battle survivor, driving a tank or TD) , 'Wolf Among Sheep' (Deal the most damage in victorious battles 100 times).
- Fixed the description of some achievements.
- Added display of 'Mastery Badge' achievement for cases when player owns the Mastery Badge and then completes the conditions again.
- Fixed display of depot, modules or equipment for tanks that are not available in the in-game shop.
- Optimised 'Motion Blur' effect.
- In personal tanker record, added display of rates that influence the performance of the tanker.
- Reworked ricochet effects.
- Reworked visuals for 'Hero of Raisennai' medal.
- Reworked tankers badges of ranks for all nations.
- Some replay issues were fixed.
- Fixed display when moving in reverse
- Re-set and in general decreased FOV for different screen resolutions and proportions.
- Fixed camera-to-tank saving after battle.
- Added saving of used camouflage pattern between sessions
- Fixed some errors with UI sounds
- Reworked the sounds of falling trees.
- Naydin medal was added to rewards list for "Courageous Resistance".
- Fixed issues that followed changes in graphic settings presets.
Vehicle Rebalancing
In Version 8.11, we decided to slightly alter the situation with tank destroyers in World of Tanks. The main change, which influences most of the vehicles, is a decrease in the average damage for 150‑152mm guns from 850 to 750 points. We've received a lot of questions regarding why some vehicles with these guns do 750 average damage, when for its normally 850 points Tier X vehicles.
850 damage was added along with the introduction of Tier X tank destroyers. At that time, this damage was a welcome change for the game. But the project continues to develop and now this damage increase is harming the game, so we have decided to change it. At the same time we have partly compensated the damage reduction for some vehicles by increasing the reloading speed. Aside from that, the AMX 50 Foch (155), Waffenträger auf E 100 and Object 268 have received other changes to their characteristics.
The AMX 50 Foch (155) has lost its top 1,200 h.p. engine, which has been replaced by a 1,000 h.p. engine. This was done because the dynamics of this tank destroyer were too high when combined with the other strong sides of the vehicle. Additionally, we slightly reduced the armour penetration for HEAT rounds. This changes might be not final. We will be closely observing the performance of the vehicle in Version 8.11.
The Waffenträger auf E 100 was also changed. Like the top French tank destroyer, the changes might not be final. We've mainly changed the turret rotation and vehicle turning speeds. Additionally, the gun dispersion upon vehicle movement has been increased. We do not think that these parameters are crucial to good performance on the vehicle, while changing anything else could completely disrupt gameplay on this German tank destroyer. We've also reduced the vehicle’s durability by 200 hit points. Our main motivation was to keep the vehicle’s role as a 'Glass Cannon' (the universal nickname for vehicles with low durability but very high firepower).
Object 268 has lost turning dynamics and reverse speed. Similarly to the others we think that, keeping in mind the strong points of the vehicle, these characteristics were set too high for this tank destroyer. We've also increased the gun dispersion caused by hull movement. It was done in order to remove the possibility of firing immediately after travelling a long distance. The armour penetration of HEAT rounds was decreased similarly to the AMX 50 Foch (155), which won't harm the vehicle but will make it more balanced.
All in all, the above changes won't be a total nerf for the vehicles, which was desired by some of the game community. But we, as developers, have a difficult task to find the balance between power, comfort of play and influence on the battle for changed vehicles, and for the tank destroyer class as a whole. We will continue to carefully monitor the situation on the battlefields in order to find the perfect balance.
AMX 50 Foch (155):
- Maybach HL 295 F (1200 h.p.) engine changed to Saurer (1000 h.p.)
- Damage dealt by AP-T T368 round of 155 mm AC SA58 gun changed from 850 to 750
- Damage dealt by HEAT T267 round of 155 mm AC SA58 gun changed from 850 to 750
- Armor penetration of HEAT T267 round of 155 mm AC SA58 gun changed from 408mm to 395mm
Waffenträger auf E 100:
- Turning speed of Waffenträger auf E 100 suspension changed from 30 to 26
- Gun dispersion of 12,8 cm Kanone L/61 gun caused by turret rotation changed by 212%
- Gun dispersion of 15 cm Pak L/38 gun caused by turret rotation increased by 75%
- Rotation speed of Waffenträger auf E 100 turret changed from 24 degrees per second to 22 degrees per second
- Durability decreased by 200 hit points
- Reloading time of 155 mm AT Gun T7E2 gun changed from 18.3 seconds to 17 seconds
- Damage dealt by AP M111E1 round of 155 mm AT Gun T7E2 gun changed from 850 to 750
- Damage dealt by APCR M112E1 round of 155 mm AT Gun T7E2 gun changed from 850 to 750
- Reloading time of 155 mm AT Gun T7E2 gun changed from 21 seconds to 19.5 seconds
- Damage dealt by AP M111E1 round of 155 mm AT Gun T7E2 gun changed from 850 to 750
- Damage dealt by APCR M112E1 round of 155 mm AT Gun T7E2 gun changed from 850 to 750
Object 268:
- Turning speed of Object 268 suspension changed from 30 to 28
- Gun dispersion on move increased by 11%
- Gun dispersion on turning increased by 11%
- Max reverse speed changed from 18 km/h to 15 km/h
- Reload time for 152mm M64 gun changed from 17s to 16.5s
- Damage dealt by UBK551M round of 152mm M64 gun changed from 850 to 750
- Armor penetration of UBK551M round of 152mm M64 gun changed from 450 mm to 395 mm
- Damage dealt by UBR551M round of 152mm M64 gun changed from 850 to 750
List of Vehicle Profitability Changes:
- T-34-3, profitability increased by 10%.
- 112, profitability increased by 10%.
- FCM 50 t, profitability increased by 5%.
- Lorraine 155 mle. 50,profitability increased by 5%.
- G.W. Panther, profitability increased by 5%.
- Löwe, profitability increased by 5%.
- VK 20.01 (D), profitability increased by 10%.
- VK 28.01, profitability increased by 10%.
- VK 30.01 (D), profitability increased by 10%.
- Sexton I, profitability increased by 10%.
- M12, profitability increased by 3%.
- M6A2E1,profitability increased by 8%.
- T34, profitability increased by 5%.
- S-51, profitability increased by 5%.
- SU-14-1, profitability increased by 5%.
- Conqueror Gun Carriage, profitability decreased by 10%.
- Object 140, repair cost increased by 25%.